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Sungki Jung


Aerospace Engineering,
Federal University of ABC

Centro de Engenharia, Modelagem e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas

Engenheiro aeroespacial (Graduação) & mecânica (Pós- graduação) e professor, que leciona disciplinas como Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional, Projeto de Aeronaves, Aerodinâmica I, Aeronáutica I-B e Aeronáutica II, na UFABC. Os temas de pesquisa de seu interesse são Aerodinâmica, Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional, Computational modeling for hyperbolic conservation law, Aircraft icing, Combustion e Optimization.


2011 - Doutorado em Aerospace pela Gyeongsang National University, Coreia do Sul.

Work Positions

- Universidade Federal do ABC, visiting & assistant professor Since 2015
- Gyeongsang National University, Visiting researcher, Since 2018
- Korea Aerospace Industries, LTD, Senior research engineer, 2011-2015
- Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency, Visiting researcher, 2009
- Ohio State University, Visiting researcher, 2005

Professional Activities

- Associate editor, Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management, Since 2020.
- Committee member, Workshop for Mechanical Engineering and Production 2023, Federal University of ABC, Oct. - Nov. 2023.
- Organizer, Online Lecture Series on Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Applications, Jun. – Aug. 2021
- Vice-president, Association for Korean Professors in Brazil, Since 2023.
- Reviewers, 2024 & 2025 AIAA conference (2023 & 2024), Prêmios da Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas (2019), and other 8 journals

Honors and Awards

- Top Prize in paper award, Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd., South Korea, Dec. 2013
- Excellence Thesis in the 2009 ATES paper contest award, Oct. 2009
- FY2008 Selected Member, The Japan-Korea Industrial Technology Co-Operation Foundation, South Korea & Japan, Sep. 2008
- Excellence Thesis in the 3rd KAI award, Oct. 2005


- Master: 3 (advisor) + 1 (Co-advisor)
- Ph.D.: A committee member of 2 ph.d.
- Post-doc: 1

Research grants

- The U.S. Office of Naval Research Global, A Development of the CFD-based Icing Analysis System for Rotary Wing Aircraft, PI, USD144,793 Nov. 27, 2023 ∼ Nov. 26, 2026
- National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Joint Call between Brazil and
South Korea), Combustion Characteristics of Paraffin-Based Fuels with Metal Energetic Additives
in Hybrid Rockets, Participant, USD 99,428.81, Dec. 15, 2023 ∼ Dec. 31, 2025
- The Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, Report on Korea-Brazil Mutual Cooperation Strategies for Business Entry into Brazilian Aerospace Market, PI, USD2,800 Nov. 2021 ∼ Jan. 2022
- 7 Scholarships for undergraduate students

Publications and Patents

Book chapter
- R.S. Myong, S.K. Jung, Numerical Simulation and Meta Model of Rotorcraft Electrothermal Ice Protection Systems, In W.G. Habashi (Ed.), Handbook of Numerical Simulation of In-Flight Icing, Springer Nature, (2023), DOI:

Articles (peer-reviewed 23 journal and 10 proceeding articles)
- S.K. Jung, L. Prince Raj, A. Rahimi, H. Jeong, R.S. Myong, Performance Evaluation of Electrothermal Anti-icing Systems for a Rotorcraft Engine Air Intake Using a Meta Model, Aerospace Science and Technology, 106(2020) 106174.
- S.K. Jung, R.S. Myong, A Relaxation Model for Numerical Approximations of the Multidimensional Pressureless Gas Dynamics System, Computer and Mathematics with Applications, 80(5)(2020) 1073-1083.

- Korea Aerospace Industries, LTD (S.K. Jung, J.H. Kim), Analysis Method of Droplet Interaction Based on Eulerian for Impingement Prediction of Supercooled Large Droplets, South Korea, Patent 10-2013-0041500, filed April 16, 2013, Issued July 04, 2014.

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